What is the practical outworking of 'sensing God' - enabling people to discover and know God through means other than intellect?
The Generations Project offers a variety of schemes for worship within a care home setting that incorporates sensory activities, as well as encouraging memory and thought.
These can be found on the dedicated website for the Generations Project in Solihull
In the midst of seeking to enable the spiritual lives of those with dementia and often not knowing precisely how faculties have been affected it is important to draw the lesson of 'grace' and allow God to make himself known, rather than seeking ways of discovery or remembrance.
Jennifer Bute listens regularly to a daily audio Bible, fully understanding that when she is not able to follow the words God may still speak to her through them.
We may often seek things that will resonate in a persons failing memory, but there should also be new experiences that lead someone to God. In this situation care should be taken not to assume that each persons experience will be the same, or even similar.
The Generations Project offers a variety of schemes for worship within a care home setting that incorporates sensory activities, as well as encouraging memory and thought.
These can be found on the dedicated website for the Generations Project in Solihull
In the midst of seeking to enable the spiritual lives of those with dementia and often not knowing precisely how faculties have been affected it is important to draw the lesson of 'grace' and allow God to make himself known, rather than seeking ways of discovery or remembrance.
Jennifer Bute listens regularly to a daily audio Bible, fully understanding that when she is not able to follow the words God may still speak to her through them.
We may often seek things that will resonate in a persons failing memory, but there should also be new experiences that lead someone to God. In this situation care should be taken not to assume that each persons experience will be the same, or even similar.